Aug 20, 2006


I believe that people should be able to do just about whatever they want, as long as it doesn't hurt another person. It's just the libertarian coming out in me, I guess...unless it involves barely naked children.

The New York Times reported today that, since there is an internet crackdown going on, child sex sites are resorting to taking pictures of "nearly nude" children to achieve their...well, ends. Yuck.

The sites, including one called PlayToy - absolutely disgusting - show pictures of children wearing makeup and feather boas and have the audacity to call it "modeling."

Believe me, I don't like reporting this to you any more than you like hearing it. At least I hope so. But it has to be done.

The NYTimes has found over 200 sites in the last several months alone, prompting many new sorts of sites to come into existence, lingering on the edge of what can be considered legal. While parading as 100% legal, many of the web pages offer links to places that show scantily clad children - I never thought I would have to type those words.

Now, what in the hell is so difficult about finding these people. I haven't actually ever met a child pornographer, but I would imagine them to mostly be mouth-breathing morons, so what's with all of the child pornography? Huh? Unless they have some clandestine, Orwellian guardian, they should...yuck, suffer the same kind of problems they create for others. I don't even want to imagine what happens to these people in prison. But between that and half-naked children, show me a raped pervert any day of the week.

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