Oct 4, 2009

Two Million Minutes Trailer

2 Million Minutes is (obviously) a documentary about education in the 21st century. Filmmaker Robert A. Crompton searched the world, looking for schools that exhibited the kind of curriculum conducive to learning in today's environment.

This film takes a deeper look at how the three superpowers of the 21st Century - China, India and the United States - are preparing their students for the future. As we follow two students - a boy and a girl - from each of these countries, we compose a global snapshot of education, from the viewpoint of kids preparing for their future.

Our goal is to tell the broader story of the universal importance of education today, and address what many are calling a crisis for U.S. schools regarding chronically low scores in math and science indicators.

The film's name is a reference to the number of minutes a youth experiences in his/her teenage years. You can watch the above trailer or order it on the site.

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