Aug 25, 2009

100 Sites for Bibliophiles

Plenty of people are blaming the internet for the death of reading, but it's important to remember that people are reading a great deal more than they probably have in history - it's just probably not the kind of reading most people consider "Reading".

The internet has given us all the ability to link up and become closer than we ever have, and for those of us who still read bound books (or those found on the ever portable Kindle can find a way to find those rare kindred spirits online. Online College has created a list of the 100 best sites for bookworms.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Goodreads is a site I already use on a weekly basis. You can share what you're reading, what you've read, and what you intend to read. Excellent site.
  • Bookrabbit. Instead of uploading virtuatl bookshelves, you take a picture of your actual bookshelf and upload it to the site.
  • Bookcrossing. Bookcrossing is a great idea. You can ostensibly release "a book into the wild" with a description of where you've dropped it off. People registered on the site can go find it, or you can leave a code on the inside cover for people to register the book online, so you can see how far the book travels. Unfortunately, not many people in my area - Georgia - play along
  • Salon's Table Talks. I just found out about this site today. Apparently, Salon sponsors book talks for members to engage in, which un-registered viewers can only read. Sounds cool.

There are plenty of sites to traverse here, so it's pointless to list them all. Unfortunately for you, the more time you spend on the internet, the less time you spend READING, thus falling into the same trap as the Facebook crowd!

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