Sep 21, 2006

Nothing's on my Mind

The only thing that's skittering up my rear end is Hugo Chavez's recent foray into stand-up.

It's sort of like the things people who played for Vince Lombardi used to say about him: "We can cuss him, but don't let us catch anyone talking bad about the old man."

That's the same way I feel about George W. Bush. Screw-up or not, he's still our President and not the laughing stock of the rest of the world. This kind of garbage reminds me of when the popular kid walks out of the classroom and all of the other students make jokes...until he steps back into the room.

I don't normally back the President - I think he's the worst post-WWII President and the worst since Hoover - but I'm also an American. Jon Stewart is our national gadfly, not Hugo Chavez, who seems to lean a bit toward autocratic "I know best" tendencies himself. Like Bush, he's an egotistical man who savors power and hates dissent. You may not know this, but he wants to stay in power in Venezuela for 25 years, which is a problem, since Venezuela does not allow for a leader to stay on for more than 12.


Apparently, however, he's a sensation. The UN gave him a standing ovation and he's been ribbing the President for a few weeks now.

Even Nancy Pelosi has called him a "thug":

"Hugo Chavez fancies himself a modern day Simon Bolivar but all he is an everyday thug," the House Democratic leader said at a news conference.

That makes me happy, and proves that the political climate is not perhaps as divided as we all had first imagined, because Nancy Pelosi is a fierce critic of Bush and a liberal herself.

Hugo Chavez and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran) should just make out.

1 comment:

  1. This design IS new isn't it? I know it's not been that long since I last visited and it looks different. God, I hope it's new...I'm sure I haven't been smoking that much. 8-)

    Have you given consideration to making your text bold? I'm wondering how much easier the white would then be to read on the black background.

    I'll look in on you again soon. Dod the same will makes it easier to visit those you see. Doesn't it? {hint}

