Sep 26, 2006

And in Today's "Who Cares" News...

I don't have anything against Mel Gibson, so if you think it's going to be a rant about him being a crazy Catholic, change the (blogging) station...

Who cares if Mel Gibson criticizes the War? Well, let me scratch that. I mean, celebrities are given a medium to bitch about just about anything the want to, so it's not a big deal that he's criticizing the war.

And that's the whole point: why is it being reported - over and over again, no less - that Mel Gibson "criticized the war?" Is it news that anyone criticized the war?

Now, let's split hairs, shall we? I'm not concerned with his criticizing the war; in fact, I agree with him. I'm just sick of it getting reported. It's just getting old, that's all. Who cares anymore? We've had so many people - ahem, celebrities - tell us how awful war is and so forth. It's just hackneyed now, that's all. There's nothing fresh about some guy talking about the war.

It's not really changing anything to be against the war these days. And while we're on the subject, that seems to be the standard in the strange times of 2006. Celebrities - and others - are just "against the war." That's it. It's just so...unimaginative. And it doesn't do anything. I'm against Paris Hilton getting endorsement deals at burger joints, but that I don't actively do anything kind of...makes it a moot point, doesn't it?

If they reall wanted to impress me, they'd run naked through the halls of Congress, screaming, "I hate the war! I really hate clothes! Now am I important?"

That would be worth the Mastercard priceless third thing marketing tool thingy. Thingy.

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