Oct 23, 2008

Friday the 13th - Remake Teaser Trailer

Friday the 13th Teaser 2009


  1. Meh. Does this really qualify as a 'remake'?

    Also, I heard they want to make another Nightmare on Elm Street - without Robert Englund. Excuse me, what?

  2. Michael Bay - who I'm pretty sure is behind this - likes to call the 're-imaginings'. Not remakes.

    Yeah, it does seem like they're going for what people think of as Friday the 13th. **Spoiler: Most people forget that Jason Voorhies is not the killer in the first movie.

  3. How could you forget that? Even if you are horror-movie illiterate, doesn't one of the Scream movies kind of beat you about the head with that fact?

    Gosh I miss the old horror stuff. These new-fangled gore-fests are just gross and don't scare me in the least.

    OH. And did you just say Michael Bay? FOR THE LOVE OF MERCY, THAT'S SCARY!

  4. woops - 'blake' is really 'deadmansLog'

  5. Ah ha! So you were paying attention to the Scream reference there! Well-played, sir.

    And I think it's like Texas Chain Saw and Amityville, where Bay is Exec. Producing (not directing). So, yeah, it would be in the same vein, I think.

  6. Rumor has it Billy Bob Thornton is going to be the new Freddy. It could work...emphasis on the could.

  7. Holy Crap! I could almost see Bill Bob doing Freddy. I wonder what Englund would think of that?
