Oct 17, 2008

CleanFlicks - Movies You Can Trust

This might be misconstrued as an anti-religion post, but it's really just an amusing site I found (through reading about its premise in The Year of Living Biblically: one Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible.

Clean Flicks is a site, much like Netflix, in which you sign up, put movies in an online queue and then have said movies shipped to you. Except, unlike Netflix, these movies have no swearing, sex, or sviolence.

Do they only offer Veggie Tales? No, in fact. What they do is cut out the bad parts so that you don't have to view them whatsoever. AJ Jacobs, in The Year of Living Biblically, talks about renting Kill Bill, thinking it wouldn't be but about five minutes long. He was disappointed to find it actually does break the hour mark. (Which I, too, find amazing. That movie obviously isn't as depraved as I remember.) :(

I have mixed feelings toward the service. Censorship is high on my list of 'To Don'ts', but I also understand that, someday, I might have a little one running around who doesn't want to see Asians eviscerated (which should be a band name). Or, similarly, a wife who doesn't want me to show a toddler Asians getting said treatment.

So, to that extent, I can understand Clean Flicks.

***I can give 'em one thing: they don't spell anything strictly phonetically (see: Netflix)


  1. I should use this for work

  2. Totally. AJ Jacobs says the cuts make the movie seem nonsensical at times, but you could teach it as a postmodern text!

    Just kidding. No, apparently this service is really popular with religious/family types.
