Nov 10, 2005

Just Another Update Song. . .

It's November the eleventh and I have a lot of homework. Perhaps that's why I'm here, writing another blog. You should be proud that I value all of you above my education. It's a difficult thing to give up school for friends or whatever you call yourselves.

Either way, there's not much to my life outside of school to talk about. You're probably wondering, then, why I even have a blog.

Because I can, damnit!

I'm thinking about starting another blog that deals only with music stuff. The subject is slowly creeping back into my life. My girlfriend isn't the most well-versed in popular music, so I'm trying to initiate a little music school with her so she can at least spit out verbatim the names of the greatest bands(The Beatles, Dylan, Bowie, Hank Williams, Sr., Jimi, The Stones, Zeppellin - you get the idea), albums, genres, etc. I've always wanted to bestow my knowledge of music onto someone else, mostly just to show off but also to see if I actually have a concrete understanding of all the things I claim to know about rock-and-roll. That's when it occurred to me to start a little music blog. It will be a little while, but I'll post something to you about it when it happens. Though it might encompass music AND movies, though we'll just have to see.

Only four and a half more weeks until I am done with school forever! Or, at least until I go back, which may be sometime in the near future if I can't find a job at all. I'm being pulled in so many directions that I don't know which direction to go in. It's all I can do just to keep my dull wits about me.

This weekend is the Auburn game and there's one question that plagues me: Can I tailgate for twelve hours straight without a break? The game isn't until 7:45 and I'll probably get to the tailgate spot at about 8 a.m. I've never looked up the phrase "pace yourself" (Well, mostly because I know what it means), but I just hope that I can make it to the game, into the stadium, and through the whole thing without A) passing out B) throwing up C) passing out into a pile of my own throw up D)eating a whole bunch of cheese (I'll have to explain some other time). Pray for me people. Pray to Whiskedicus, the god of holding your liquor, that I may make it through Saturday safely.

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