Mar 13, 2009

The Big Lebowski Trailer Recut

I saw 'The Big Lebowski' for the first time when it came out on video in '98 or '99, and beyond the sheer amount of gratuitous swearing involved, I wasn't terribly impressed. Like much of America, I suppose. Plus, I probably was too busy using the movie as a precept for making out like a bandit that I didn't care how good the movie was.

'The Big Lebowski', apparently, came out at about the same time as 'Titanic', and, though the audience for each film was totally different, it probably still had to have something to do with its failure. People, I guess, just didn't 'get' the movie. It was, and still is, a quirky, off-kilter mys-com (yep, I just made up a word) and probably isn't a good start for people who haven't heard of the Coen Brothers.

But then I came to college, where the movie became an obsession for me and a group of friends. There was a summer where I remember watching 'The Big Lebowski' every single night during the week. I turned so many friends onto the movie that thinking about it now gives me a warm, tingly sensation inside. To give you a synopsis of the movie, well, the synopsis of the movie doesn't really matter so much. To say it's a character-driven experience is a complete and utter understatement. It's the movie the Coen Brothers followed 'Fargo' with, and if you have no idea who I'm talking about, please leave the blog right now and rent every one of their movies.

But, back to 'The Big Lebowski'. Starting a couple of years ago, with the rise of YouTube came a popular practice of re-cutting movies into trailers that change the entire tone of the film. There's a horror version of 'Mary Poppins'; a family-movie trailer for 'The Shining'; a comedic version of 'The Wicker Man'; and, now, a bromance involving three characters from 'The Big Lebowski'. It's thoroughly entertaining, given that you've seen the movie. If you haven't, then you'll probably give a big WTF, mate?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Also, to jump on the wagon a little late, here is the Mii Lebowski, which would probably have been a lot funnier than it already is way back when Miis were still considered cute.

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