Oct 11, 2006

Schemes and Schemes and Schemes

I like little schemes. When I want something and don't necessarily have the money for it, I often try to think of little schemes to get what I want, to make what I want happen.

I am the Bush Administration on a much smaller scale.

For instance, right now I am listening to a lot of audio books. However, they are extremely expensive, if you haven't noticed (and most of you, understandably, have not). Since I am a starving artist and artisty types are most definitely on the broke side, I knew I'd need a plan to get what I wanted.

I thought, hmmm, since books on CD are very expensive, why don't I downgrade to audio cassette?

I did and the experience has been good so far, although the medium isn't as portable and succinct as I would like (succint meaning that it is hard to skip around for all of the rewinding and fast forwarding and such). I bought a tape walkman online for three dollars and jumped for joy when it arrived.

However, as it turns out, those buggers need batteries to run, by God, and I don't have the liquid assets - cash - to waste on those alkaline beauties, even the cheap ones.

And, it looks quite embarrassing to sport a tape walkman in polite society. I live in Athens. It is tres stupid to not have the latest technology, and I have taken not one, but two, steps back in that regard. I have gone down from the mp3 device through the cd player to the cassette. Wow. I manage to amaze even myself sometimes.

But those are the drawbacks. The + signs are as follows:

It's cheap to buy books on tape, and my local library is full of them, even up-to-date books. Well, if Harry Potter counts.

I bought From a Buick 8 on cassette for about $.94, and that ain't half bad. Also, it's sort of fun in that not-really-cool-but-I-do-it-anyway sort of way. I don't mind, and it is sort of the uncool cool that so many people strive for. Actually it's not as cool as I would have hoped, although I think I'm on to something.

Don't be surprised if you come to visit and I'm writing with quills and watching Brian's Song on Betamax, okay?


  1. It will all be good until the day that your $3 walkman eats one of the tapes from the library. I still accidentally call my ipod a walkman - if that doesn't date me with the undergrads around here, nothing will..

  2. Yeah, I have to catch myself. And I DO have an iPod, too. I just don't have the cash to put audiobooks on it.
