Oct 27, 2006

Donnie Darko

At one point in the movie Donnie Darko, Karen Pomeroy (Drew Barrymore) tells Donnie that a "famous linguist" once said that cellar door was the most beautiful phrase in the English language. I always wondered who in the hell it was - although I had my suspicions - and today as I watched it, I finally decided to find out who it was.

According to Stainless Steel Rat, it is - yes, you probably guessed - J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now, do you think you got that because it's the only conceivable answer? If so, then (shrugs shoulders).

If, however, you actually knew that, then congratulations. You're pretty sharp. My only other guesses would have been C.S. Lewis or Noam Chomsky.

A little trivia: What does the C.S. in C.S. Lewis stand for? You'll be surprised.


  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    It's either "Clive Staples" or "Clive Officemax." I can't remember which.

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