Aug 10, 2006

Quick Trivia

1. What is the name of Christian Bale's character in the movie American Psycho? For bonus points, who plays the main character in its sequel?

2. What did Geraldo Rivera find upond entering one of Al Capone's vaults on live TV? (This guy is such a tool. I don't know why I gave him some trivia).

3. What television "journalist" drew a map in the sand in Iraq on live TV and was later reprimanded by the Pentagon because it seemed to reveal too much about the military's position?

4. Who had his nose broken by a white supremacist during a racial fight on the set of his own show?

5. What talk show host had lipo suction done on his butt and had the resulting fat injected into his forehead?


  1. 1. Patrick Bateman.

    The slutty chick from That 70's show.

    2. No clue.

    3. Geraldo Rivera!

  2. I'm a huge fan of trivia!

    1/ Patrick Bateman and for the bonus... Mila Kunis played Rachal Newman in "American Psycho 2: All American Girl"

    2/ Dirt and a bottle of gin

    3/ Geraldo Rivera

    4/ In November 1988, Dave Metzger's son appeared on an episode of the Geraldo Rivera show- a brawl broke out and Rivera's nose was broken by a flying chair.

    5/ Geraldo Rivera- live, on air.

    Dude, what's the deal with all of the Geraldo trivia? And what'd I win?

  3. Well, as you all know, Geraldo Rivera is a giant tool. He made some disparaging remarks about the Daily Show the other night, so I thought it was only fitting to make sure everyone knew what kind of "journalist" he really was.

    Oh, and I've got lots of trivia, if you check through my archives. Cool!
