Aug 9, 2006

The Low Post: Hillary Clinton

There's a biting article on Rolling Stone regarding Hillary Clinton. Some think that Hillary Clinton is the favorite for the Democratic nomination in 2008. I personally don't, but that's just me.

But, if you look at her closely - actually, if you look at her at all - you can see the beginnings of a grab for the White House. I don't mean that in spite, only in fact.


  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I traditionally do not vote Democratic, but I feel that Jillary in '08 would be a drastically stupid move for the party. I'm all for women's lib, but we have to face the facts: America is not ready to have a female president, much less Hilary My-Husband-Cheated-On-Me-With-The-Fat-Intern Clinton. No, my advice, Democratic Caucus, is to stick with what you know, and what you know is certainly NOT Hilary. There's always next time, right?Who knows, maybe you can nominate Barac in a few centuries?

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Excuse my typos, I am a waste of a human.
